Common WordPress attacks

Working with WordPress does not mean you are working smoothly and you are free of risks factors. Although WordPress is highly recommended to work efficiently. However, as it is a large online open source platform to get connected with a number of people online, it may involve a few vulnerabilities as well.  Here are few of them along with their possible solutions. 

Brute force
In brute force, the attacker tries to log in your account by guessing the usernames or the passwords. He or she may try multiple guesses to find the correct one.
This problem can be fixed by using a password of good strength. A strong password will be difficult to guess. Try putting password composed of several different characters. Also, avoid including your first or last name in your passwords as well.
Apart from selecting a strong password, you can also use two-way authentication to log in your account. You can also access the rate-limiting tool to block certain IPs after multiple login trials. 

Plugin vulnerabilities
There are millions of WordPress users and developers throughout the world and they use numerous plugins. More plugins aggravate the chances of risks and the plugin ecosystem can be disturbed.
It is suggested to install as few plugins as possible. Install plugins only when you require. Avoid installing extra plugins to minimize the risks and load. The availability of the plugin ecosystem makes WordPress a great choice for successful website startup.  Secondly, keep your existing plugins updated. Out-dated plug-in become more victims of vulnerabilities. Updating the plugins can fix this issue.

Core and theme vulnerabilities
Core and theme vulnerabilities are not much more troublous than plugins. All you need to do is to update your Word Press site more often to avoid this issue.

Hosting hassles

Sometimes few companies choose hosts software for their site. Not all the host websites are free of viruses or have a good reputation. Most of the hosting software used contains vulnerabilities and risks factors. It is advisable to choose hosting software that has good security image and are expert enough to provide protection to their users.
Always remember that your work means a lot for you, as you have invested your time, money and energy to build and develop your website and a good reputation. Just getting started does not mean your work ends up here. A most important task begins after you get recognized. You need to work safe and sound. For this reason, it is recommended to keep your site up-to-date and check updates regularly such as plugin security.


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